The Venue Access Academy offers tools to become optimally effective in providing an accessible and inclusive experience to venue guests. It was developed in response to the growing recognition that people with disabilities make up the fastest-growing minority population in the world and greater access for them equals greater equity and inclusion for all.
As part of the Academy, venue professionals have access to twenty weekly 1.5 to 2-hour live online training classes that act as dual credit toward their ADA Coordinator Certification through the Great Plains ADA Center. Classes listed with an ** are Required Foundation classes and those with an * are Optional Foundation classes. All additional classes act as electives towards it.
- 2010 Standards for Accessible Design – Part 1**
- 2010 Standards for Accessible Design – Part 2**
- ADA History and Overview
- ADA Seating Holds, Relocations & Ticketing Promotion Equity
- ADA Self-Evaluations – Part 1**
- ADA Transition Plans – Part 2**
- Behavioral & Learning Related Disabilities
- Best Practices in Curbing Seating Fraud
- Best Practices in Game Day Staff Training
- Effective Communication in a Venue Environment*
- Emergency Preparedness & Security Response to Guests with Disabilities*
- Hearing Loss, Interpreter Placement and More
- Intro to Vision Loss
- Mobility Disabilities, Devices and Accommodations
- Open Time for Test Preparation
- Resource Scavenger Hunt
- Role of the ADA Coordinator**
- Service Animals: Policies & Best Practices
- Title I Guidelines**
- Reasonable Accommodations – Game-Day Staff Accommodations: Balancing Staff & Guest Needs*
Each venue professional needs to complete 20 courses to gain their Venue Access Academy Certificate.
For those also working towards their ADA Coordinator Certification, completed classes are reported so dual-credit can be provided.
1. How is this different from the ACTCP program?
ACTCP occasionally offers specific Certifications that focus on concentrated areas. This is a new specialty they are offering in order to meet the specific needs of those who work with areas of assembly, such as stadiums, arenas, performing arts centers, etc.
2. Will all 20 classes count towards the ACTCP?
Yes, all classes taught through the Venue Access Academy count towards the ACTCP. Dr. Nanette has been teaching classes towards and for this program for over 10 years.
3. What if I miss a live class?
If you miss a live class, you can go into the Life Quest Training Portal and take the class online within a few days of that live class. The online classes will be divided up into smaller modules and include 1-2 questions after each to help ensure you understand the concepts.
4. Dual Credit: How do I make sure I get credit for both the Venue Access Academy and the ADA Coordinator Certification program?
After you complete each live or online class, you will receive a Certificate of Completion for that class. You’ll be able to upload these into the ACTCP portal
5. What if I only want to or need to take a few classes to finish my ACTCP credits?
You can choose as many classes as you want at $75 each.
6. How much is the entire Venue Access Academy?
At $75 each, 20 classes would be $1500 but you can become a Season Ticket Holder (STH) for $1000 and get the whole series plus another 5% off, if 3 or more employees are from the same organization.
7. Do I have to take a test?
If you are getting your ADA Coordinator Certification, you’ll need to take a test through ACTCP. These Venue Access Academy classes, and Dr. Odell, will help prepare you for this test.
8. How do I Sign up and What’s Next?
-To sign up for the July 31st to December 18th Venue Access Academy, click here.
-You’ll receive a formal Estimate from Life Quest for the total fees, based on how many classes you’ve chosen.
-When you receive the Estimate, you need to click ACCEPT to formally register for the classes. You’ll receive an email about setting up your Account in the Life Quest Training Portal.
-You’ll receive a calendar invite for your classes. Attend as many as you can and take the recorded, captioned classes online when you cannot attend in person.
-Upload your Certificates of Completion after each class or after all 20.
-Once all classes have been completed, you will receive your Venue Access Academy Certification.
For more information, contact Dr. Nanette Odell at Nanette@ADALifeQuest.com
Nanette Odell / Phoenix Suns, Disability Service Manager -A big thanks to Nanette Odell for providing so much insight on the fine details and importance of accessibility. The 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act arrives on July 26th.
Episode 7: Accessibility at Public Accommodations
In this episode, we look at the difficult and often confusing issue of accessibility and providing safe accommodation at live events. Featuring Nanette Odell (Disability Services Manager/ADA Coordinator, Talking Stick Resort Arena and Chase Field), Betty Siegel (Director of VSA & Accessibility, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts), Danielle Hernandez (Director, McAlister Auditorium at Furman University), and Eric Colby (Performance Manager, Metropolitan Opera House).
Episode 8: Accessibility at Live Events – Special Topics
In this episode we continue our conversation on accessibility at live events by addressing several specific issues, including service animals, emergency procedures for those with mobility devices, and what you can legally ask of a guest requesting special assistance. Featuring Nanette Odell (Disability Services Manager/ADA Coordinator, Talking Stick Resort Arena and Chase Field), Betty Siegel (Director of VSA & Accessibility, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts), Danielle Hernandez (Director, McAlister Auditorium at Furman University), and Eric Colby (Performance Manager, Metropolitan Opera House). Hosted by ESA Vice President Steven Adelman.
Dr. Odell is featured in the following articles
Arizona News – Arizona Disability Advocates Celebrate ADA’s 29th Anniversary