Portrait photograph of Nanette Odell

Dr. Nanette Odell

Nanette Odell, Ed.D. has lived and/or worked with individuals with disabilities most of her life and in a professional capacity for over 35 years. This foundation helps her effectively speak to organizations about not only what is required for ADA compliance and how to achieve this over a period of time, but why it’s so important.

Highlight of Qualifications:

  • Over 35 years’ experience in the disability field, including 15 years in Government
  • Doctorate in Adult Education
  • Fluent in American Sign Language
  • Certified ADA Coordinator
  • Co-founder of the Arizona ADA Coordinators Coalition
  • Founder of the Coalition for Arena & Stadium ADA Coordination.

Dr. Nanette Odell has a long history and good rapport in the disability community. The field of disability, ADA, awareness training, etc., is not only her “career,” but it is a part of who she is. As such, Dr. Odell has a unique perspective on how to work towards achieving compliance, accessibility, and inclusion based on a life of experience living, working, and recreating with individuals with various types of disabilities. She is a problem-solver by nature and known for coming up with unique and cost-effective solutions to barrier removal.

Dr. Odell has developed a comprehensive survey tool to evaluate the current level of compliance in buildings and facilities, then developed a Transition Plan for Readily Achievable Barrier Removal that any ADA layman can easily follow. After 15 years working for the government, she is adept at finding creative solutions that are practical and cost-effective.

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